Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Well I have been wanting to start a blog since I started staying at home, but our old computer just wasn't up for the task.  We are now up and running with our new computer so here we go.  I see all these shows about the "real" housewives and think to myself, that's not "real", I'm real.  I am 31 years old with a 9 year old son and 11 month old daughter.  I quit my job in advertising after going back for 5 weeks to horrible seperation anxiety from my daughter.  My husband and I live on a tight budget, but we make it work, because me being home was what was most important to us.  I have an interesting situation being that we have a 9 year old who was adopted and we didn't get him until he was 4 1/2 years old.  So needless to say I am muddling through a child in elementary school-and a boy at that, as well as being a first time mother to an infant girl.  It's hit or miss in our house and we are definitely dealing with a huge learning curve with both of our children, but that's what parenting is-just figuring it out as you go-right?

I think I will do seperate posts for each family member, they deserve that since they each have their own special story.  So stay tuned.  As for my posts I figure they will consist of the things I am experiencing as a woman, a wife and a mother.  They will probably follow along the lines of my taste, which is pretty eclectic, so expect a little of this and a little of that.  I hope to be thoughtful and insightful on what I am writing about with a little bit of humor thrown in.  It's hard to properly portray sarcasm through writing but expect there to be some, whether you catch it or not.  Or better yet, if you don't agree with what I might be saying, chalk it up to sarcasm :) Well this is my life as of January 25th, 2011.  Welcome and I hope you enjoy the ride.

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